A revolutionary tele-expertise solution, Speakylink supports professionals from multiple sectors. An innovative tool that allows experts to ensure a presence in the field without having to travel. Speakylink imposes its relevance for damage and appraisal services, technical support, after-sales service, remote appraisal, customer relations, medical tele-consultations and of course remote claims expertise in the insurance field.
In just one call, Speakylink gives you the possibility to connect with your customers and communicate with them by video call, via a simple and intuitive interface. One click is enough to establish contact and take advantage of the many features such as sending documents, sharing screens and of course real-time video.
Damage remote expertise: Speakylink allows you to have an optimal follow-up of your files
A customer reports a claim to you. For example, he has just had a collision with his car. Normally, as an insurance company, you can mandate an automobile expert whose report will serve as a basis for proposing compensation to the customer.
The automotive expert must then find a niche to travel. Sometimes it takes a long time. Its purpose is to assess all the damage caused to the damaged vehicle. He then draws up an expert report and presents his conclusions.
Thanks to Speakylink, the automotive expert no longer needs to travel. A very practical tool for carrying out the examination of a vehicle remotely and therefore saving considerable time. When formerly the expert could, in certain cases, decide to carry out an examination based on photos, when he did not have the possibility of moving, he can now benefit from a solution which allows him to see the vehicle as real.
Damages tele-expertise to save precious time
The only trip of a car expert involves a significant loss of time but also expenses. Being able to examine the vehicle at home has only advantages:
- Time saving
- Savings on transport
- Faster processing of the client file
- Increased customer satisfaction
Thanks to the damages Speakylink tele-expertise, it becomes possible to render a verdict, and to decide on the amount of repairs or damages. The Speakylink solution allows expertise to be exported in real time. No need to waste time on the road and burn fuel: Speakylink is faster, more intuitive and more environmentally friendly!
Disaster tele-expertise: how does it work?
The operation of the Speakylink remote assistance solution is very simple: from a smartphone, a computer or a tablet, a simple link is enough to establish a connection in real time. The customer does not need to install any software. All it takes is one click! The Speakylink solution works on connected devices and allows you to take advantage of various features to meet all the needs of professionals:
- Screen sharing
- Visual indications
- Take and send photos remotely
- Recording function
- Share images in multiple formats
- Geolocation …
Perfect for improving the customer experience, for better selling, for optimizing after-sales service and expertise, Speakylink is as easy to use as it is complete. A solution whose usefulness and flexibility were emphasized all the more during the health crisis, when travel was more difficult. With Speakylink, waste no more time and money and optimize your expertise and skills.
If you want to know more, discover the range of possibilities of the solution and take advantage of a demonstration, do not hesitate and contact Speakylink, the remote assistance specialist.